A coverage study of the CMSSM based on ATLAS sensitivity using fast neural networks techniques

Michael Bridges, Kyle Cranmer, Farhan Feroz, Mike Hobson, Roberto Ruiz De Austri, Roberto Trotta

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    We assess the coverage properties of confidence and credible intervals on the CMSSM parameter space inferred from a Bayesian posterior and the profile likelihood based on an ATLAS sensitivity study. In order to make those calculations feasible, we introduce a new method based on neural networks to approximate the mapping between CMSSM parameters and weak-scale particle masses. Our method reduces the computational effort needed to sample the CMSSM parameter space by a factor of ∼ 104 with respect to conventional techniques. We find that both the Bayesian posterior and the profile likelihood intervals can significantly over-cover and identify the origin of this effect to physical boundaries in the parameter space. Finally, we point out that the effects intrinsic to the statistical procedure are confated with simplifications to the likelihood functions from the experiments themselves.

    Original languageEnglish (US)
    Article number12
    JournalJournal of High Energy Physics
    Issue number3
    StatePublished - 2011


    • Supersymmetry phenomenology

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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