A manifold neural population code for space in hippocampal coactivity dynamics independent of place fields

Eliott Robert Joseph Levy, Simón Carrillo-Segura, Eun Hye Park, William Thomas Redman, José Rafael Hurtado, Sue Yeon Chung, André Antonio Fenton

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Hippocampus place cell discharge is temporally unreliable across seconds and days, and place fields are multimodal, suggesting an “ensemble cofiring” spatial coding hypothesis with manifold dynamics that does not require reliable spatial tuning, in contrast to hypotheses based on place field (spatial tuning) stability. We imaged mouse CA1 (cornu ammonis 1) ensembles in two environments across three weeks to evaluate these coding hypotheses. While place fields “remap,” being more distinct between than within environments, coactivity relationships generally change less. Decoding location and environment from 1-s ensemble location-specific activity is effective and improves with experience. Decoding environment from cell-pair coactivity relationships is also effective and improves with experience, even after removing place tuning. Discriminating environments from 1-s ensemble coactivity relies crucially on the cells with the most anti-coactive cell-pair relationships because activity is internally organized on a low-dimensional manifold of non-linear coactivity relationships that intermittently reregisters to environments according to the anti-cofiring subpopulation activity.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number113142
JournalCell Reports
Issue number10
StatePublished - Oct 31 2023


  • CP: Neuroscience
  • anti-cofiring
  • ensemble cofiring
  • place cell
  • population geometry
  • remapping
  • reregistration
  • scale free correlations
  • spatial code

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology


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