Action-driven remapping of hippocampal neuronal populations in jumping rats

Laura Green, David Tingley, John Rinzel, György Buzsáki

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The current dominant view of the hippocampus is that it is a navigation "device"guided by environmental inputs. Yet, a critical aspect of navigation is a sequence of planned, coordinated actions.We examined the role of action in the neuronal organization of the hippocampus by training rats to jump a gap on a linear track. Recording local field potentials and ensembles of single units in the hippocampus, we found that jumping produced a stereotypic behavior associated with consistent electrophysiological patterns, including phase reset of theta oscillations, predictable global firing-rate changes, and population vector shifts of hippocampal neurons. A subset of neurons ("jump cells") were systematically affected by the gap but only in one direction of travel. Novel place fields emerged and others were either boosted or attenuated by jumping, yet the theta spike phase versus animal position relationship remained unaltered. Thus, jumping involves an action plan for the animal to traverse the same route as without jumping, which is faithfully tracked by hippocampal neuronal activity.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numbere2122141119
JournalProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Issue number26
StatePublished - Jun 28 2022


  • hippocampus
  • learning
  • phase precession
  • place cells
  • theta oscillations

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General


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