An Overabundance of Signifiers: Derridean Play in Hans-Joachim Hespos’ Weiβschatten

Clare Lesser

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle


An interwoven reading of Hans Joachim Hespos’ Weiβschatten and Jacques Derrida’s ‘Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences’ (Writing and Difference, 1967). I examine the impact that improvisation has on performance and consider how an information overload creates shifting layers of reference. I explore the ways in which Hespos combines information systems, and infinite, or ‘overabundant’, chains of signifiers, which allow the space for collaboration and performer agency, thereby keeping the performer/composer/audience interface in constant movement.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Specialist publicationContemporary Music Review
PublisherTaylor & Francis
StatePublished - Dec 17 2021


  • Derrida, Improvisation, Agency, Hespos, Play


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