title = "Applications of the eve software for visual modeling",
abstract = "EVE, the Early Vision Emulation software, is a system for the simulation of early visual processing. EVE has the ability to carry out the operations of a wide variety of models of spatial vision, motion detection and processing, and spatial sampling. We introduce the EVE software and illustrate some of its applications for models of pattern detection, pattern discrimination, and motion detection.",
keywords = "Modeling software Visual models Computer simulation Early vision",
author = "Landy, {Michael S.} and Manovich, {Lev Z.} and Stetten, {George D.}",
note = "Funding Information: Acknowledgment-Thed @n and implcnmtationo f the EVE sofhvarcw ass upportepdr jmarilyb y B grantf &n the National Science Foundation, adoption Science and TechnologyG rant IST-8418867a,n d in part by a grantf rom the OfBceo f Naval ResearchG, rant ONR-N@O!4-K-0077. Special thanks are due, as always, to Robert Picardi for technicala ssistancea, nd to J. Anthony Movshon, Sofia Wtirger,a nd CharlesC hubb for carefule diting.P ortionsof this work haveb eenp resenteda t the AnnuafM eetingo f the Associationfo r Researcho n Vision and U~t~logy, Sarasota,F lorida, May 6 1988,a nd publishedi n abstract form (Manovich & Landy, 1988).",
year = "1990",
doi = "10.1016/0042-6989(90)90047-O",
language = "English (US)",
volume = "30",
pages = "329--338",
journal = "Vision research",
issn = "0042-6989",
publisher = "Elsevier Ltd",
number = "2",