Ar n HF van der Waals clusters revisited: II. Energetics and HF vibrational frequency shifts from diffusion Monte Carlo calculations on additive and nonadditive potential-energy surfaces for n=1-12

Hao Jiang, Minzhong Xu, Jeremy M. Hutson, Zlatko Bačić

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The ground-state energies and HF vibrational frequency shifts of Arn HF clusters have been calculated on the nonadditive potential-energy surfaces (PESs) for n=2-7 and on the pairwise-additive PESs for the clusters with n=1-12, using the diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) method. For n>3, the calculations have been performed for the lowest-energy isomer and several higher-lying isomers which are the closest in energy. They provide information about the isomer dependence of the HF redshift, and enable direct comparison with the experimental data recently obtained in helium nanodroplets. The agreement between theory and experiment is excellent, in particular, for the nonadditive DMC redshifts. The relative, incremental redshifts are reproduced accurately even at the lower level of theory, i.e., the DMC and quantum five-dimensional (rigid Arn) calculations on the pairwise-additive PESs. The nonadditive interactions make a significant contribution to the frequency shift, on the order of 10%-12%, and have to be included in the PESs in order for the theory to yield accurate magnitude of the HF redshift. The energy gaps between the DMC ground states of the cluster isomers are very different from the energy separation of their respective minima on the PES, due to the considerable variations in the intermolecular zero-point energy of different Arn HF isomers.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number054305
JournalJournal of Chemical Physics
Issue number5
StatePublished - 2005

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Physics and Astronomy
  • Physical and Theoretical Chemistry


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