Blood Pressure Measurements Obtained by Community-Dwelling Adults Are Similar to Nurse-Obtained Measurements: The SMART-BP Validate Study

Xiaoyue Liu, Sarah E. Slone, Yuling Chen, Yvette Yeboah-Kordieh, Abeer Alharthi, Johnitta Amihere, Sharon Moyo-Songonuga, Tynetta Lane, Yechiam Ostchega, Tammy M. Brady, Cheryl R. Himmelfarb, Yvonne Commodore-Mensah

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


BACKGROUND: Self-measured blood pressure (SMBP) is an effective strategy for managing and controlling hypertension. However, uncertainty regarding patients' ability to accurately measure their blood pressure (BP) contributes to treatment inertia. Therefore, we compared BP measurements with the Omron HEM-9210T device obtained by nurses and community-dwelling adults after training. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted in a simulated home environment at an academic institution. After a 5-min rest, a trained nurse measured a participant's BP twice at a 1-min interval. The participants then ambulated at their usual pace for 2 min. Next, they were asked to rest for 5 min, during which each individual watched a 3-min video on SMBP. Following the rest, the participants obtained two readings at a 1-min interval. RESULTS: We recruited 102 community-dwelling adults with a mean age of 54 (±14) years; 59% female, 88% Black race, and 63% with a hypertension diagnosis. Half (n=51) had a home BP monitor. Overall, there were no significant differences between nurse-and participant-obtained systolic BP (mean difference [MD]:-1.1; standard deviation [SD]: 8.0; P=0.178) or diastolic BP (MD:-0.9; SD: 5.5; P=0.111). Participants who used an extra-large cuff had higher self-measured diastolic BP (MD:-2.9; SD: 4.5; P=0.010). All participants demonstrated satisfactory SMBP skills after the training. CONCLUSIONS: Community-dwelling adults can accurately measure BP after a 3-min video training. Integrating SMBP training into patient encounters may result in reliable home BP measurements, improving hypertension management and clinical decision making.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)334-341
Number of pages8
JournalAmerican Journal of Hypertension
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2024


  • blood pressure
  • community-dwelling
  • home blood pressure measurement
  • hypertension
  • nurse
  • self-measured blood pressure
  • training

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Internal Medicine


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