Can D-branes wrap nonrepresentable cycles?

Jarah Evslin, Hisham Sati

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Sometimes a homology cycle of a nonsingular compactification manifold cannot be represented by a nonsingular submanifold. We want to know whether such nonrepresentable cycles can be wrapped by D-branes. A brane wrapping a representable cycle carries a K-theory charge if and only if its Freed-Witten anomaly vanishes. However some K-theory charges are only carried by branes that wrap nonrepresentable cycles. We provide two examples of Freed-Witten anomaly-free D6-branes wrapping nonrepresentable cycles in the presence of a trivial NS 3-form flux. The first occurs in type IIA string theory compactified on the Sp(2) group manifold and the second in IIA on a product of lens spaces. We find that the first D6-brane carries a K-theory charge while the second does not.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number050
JournalJournal of High Energy Physics
Issue number10
StatePublished - Oct 1 2006


  • D-branes
  • Differential and Algebraic Geometry

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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