Clinical and histological evaluation of socket grafting using different types of bone substitute in adult patients

James Rudolph Collins, Ely Jiménez, Carol Martínez, Rubén Tobias Polanco, Ronaldo Hirata, Ramy Mousa, Paulo G. Coelho, Estevam A. Bonfante, Nick Tovar

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


PURPOSE:: This clinical and histological study evaluated the healing of extraction sockets after implantation of a biphasic calcium sulfate (CS) alone or in combination with a gamma-radiated human mineralized allograft. MATERIALS AND METHODS:: Ten healthy adult patients participated in the study. A minimum of 2 teeth, per patient, extracted for different reasons were evaluated. Each socket was randomly filled to the crest with either (a) a biphasic CS or (b) large particulate gamma-radiated human mineralized allograft in combination with a biphasic CS. RESULTS:: No complications during reentry of the socket site during bone core retrieval, such as inflammation/immunogenic response, were observed. Histological findings showed a mean new bone (NB) of 33% for sockets filled with biphasic CS and 31% for sockets filled with biphasic CS in combination with allograft material. There was no statistically significant difference in the percentage of NB and the presence of soft tissue between graft materials. CONCLUSION:: Biphasic CS used alone or in combination with an allograft resulted in the same amount of NB formation in alveolar ridge preservation procedures.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)489-495
Number of pages7
JournalImplant dentistry
Issue number4
StatePublished - Aug 2014


  • bone regeneration
  • clinical
  • graft
  • socket preservation

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Oral Surgery


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