Collaborative practice: The critical role of a pediatric nurse practitioner in an early intervention program for children with prenatal drug exposure

Lynne Katz, Saribel Garcia Ceballos, Keith Scott, Gwen Wurm

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


The University of Miami's early intervention program, incorporating the pediatric nurse practitioner as part of the interdisciplinary team, is an illustration of what Szapocznik, Kurtines, Sansebastian, and Rio (1990) describe as the interplay between theory, research, and practice that can result in important breakthroughs in treatment. The collaborative partners are confident that the unique interdisciplinary partnership between an early intervention provider, pediatric nurse practitioner, and researchers can decrease the risk factors faced by the target families and their children; and that capacity building in this area, by increasing the readiness, interest, knowledge, skills, and resources within a setting or community, can provide primary Healthcare access as part of the array of services and interventions offered. This group of children is the most at-risk for adverse health outcomes due to environmental and social situations. The pediatric nurse practitioner's emphasis on prevention, risk assessment, cultural competence, and coordination of services has played a vital role in the health promotion, health protection, and disease prevention in this group of socially complex and vulnerable children. The relationship that has been developed between the University Pediatric Practice, the pediatric nurse practitioner, and the caregivers has created an increase in compliance, by easing the access to health care for both sick and well visits. This, in turn, has resulted in increasing the percentage of children who are fully immunized and decreasing the frequency of emergency room visits. Providing medical care and case management by a pediatric nurse to hildren in the foster care system can prevent adverse health outcomes and promote optimal health care.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)123-127
Number of pages5
JournalJournal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing
Issue number2
StatePublished - Apr 2007


  • Child health
  • Child welfare
  • Foster home care
  • Perinatal
  • Substance abuse

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Pediatrics


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