Comparative mutagenesis of the C8-guanine adducts of 1-nitropyrene and 1,6- and 1,8-dinitropyrene in a CpG repeat sequence: A slipped frameshift intermediate model for dinucleotide deletion

Pablo Hilario, Shixiang Yan, Brian E. Hingerty, Suse Broyde, Ashis K. Basu

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In the Ames Salmonella typhimurium reversion assay 1,6- and 1,8-dinitropyrenes (1,6- and 1,8-DNPs) are much more potent mutagens than 1-nitropyrene (1-NP). Genetic experiments established that certain differences in the metabolism of the DNPs, which in turn result in increased DNA adduction, play a role. It remained unclear, however, if the DNP adducts, N-(guanin-8-yl)-1-amino-6 (8)-nitropyrene (Gua-C8-1,6-ANP and Gua-C8-1,8-ANP), which contain a nitro group on the pyrene ring covalently linked to the guanine C8, are more mutagenic than the major 1-NP adduct, N-(guanin-8-yl)-1-aminopyrene (Gua-C8-AP). In order to address this, we have compared the mutation frequency of the three guanine C8 adducts, Gua-C8-AP, Gua-C8-1,6-ANP, and Gua-C8-1,8-ANP in a CGCG*CG sequence. Single-stranded M13mp7L2 vectors containing these adducts and a control were constructed and replicated in Escherichia coli. A remarkable difference in the induced CpG deletion frequency between these adducts was noted. In repair-competent cells the 1-NP adduct induced 1.7% CpG deletions without SOS, whereas the 1,6- and 1,8-DNP adducts induced 6.8 and 10.0% two-base deletions, respectively. With SOS, CpG deletions increased up to 1.9, 11.1, and 15.1% by 1-NP, 1,6-, and 1,8-DNP adducts, respectively. This result unequivocally established that DNP adducts are more mutagenic than the 1-NP adduct in the repetitive CpG sequence. In each case the mutation frequency was significantly increased in a mutS strain, which is impaired in methyl-directed mismatch repair, and a dnaQ strain, which carries a defect in proofreading activity of the DNA polymerase III. Modeling studies showed that the nitro group on the pyrene ring at the 8-position can provide additional stabilization to the two-nucleotide extrahelical loop in the promutagenic slipped frameshift intermediate through its added hydrogen-bonding capability. This could account for the increase in CpG deletions in the M13 vector with the nitro-containing adducts compared with the Gua-C8-AP adduct itself.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)45068-45074
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Biological Chemistry
Issue number47
StatePublished - Nov 22 2002

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Biochemistry
  • Molecular Biology
  • Cell Biology


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