Design of hermite subdivision schemes aided by spectral radius optimization

Bin Han, Michael L. Overton, Thomas P Y Yu

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We present a method for constructing multivariate refinable Hermite interpolants and their associated subdivision algorithms based on a combination of analytical and numerical approaches. As the limit of a linear iterative procedure, the critical L2 Sobolev smoothness of a refinable Hermite interpolant is given by the spectral radius of a matrix dependent upon the refinement mask. The design question is, Given certain constraints (support size, symmetry type, refinement pattern, etc.), how can one choose the refinement mask so that the resulting refinable function has optimal smoothness? This question naturally gives rise to a spectral radius optimization problem. In general, the objective function is not convex and may not be differentiable, or even Lipschitz, at a local minimizer. Nonetheless, a recently developed robust solver for nonsmooth optimization problems may be applied to find local minimizers of the spectral radius objective function. In fact, we find that in specific cases that are of particular interest in the present context, the objective function is smooth at local minimizers and may be accurately minimized by standard techniques. We present two necessary mathematical tricks that make the method practical: (i) compression of matrix size based on symmetry and (ii) efficient computation of gradients of the objective function. We conclude by reporting some computational results.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)643-656
Number of pages14
JournalSIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
Issue number2
StatePublished - Nov 2003


  • Iterative methods
  • Smoothness analysis
  • Spectral radius optimization
  • Subdivision schemes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Computational Mathematics
  • Applied Mathematics


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