Developing a Tool to Measure Person-Centered Care in Service Planning

Victoria Stanhope, Daniel Baslock, Janis Tondora, Lauren Jessell, Abigail M. Ross, Steven C. Marcus

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background: Delivering person-centered care is a key component of health care reform. Despite widespread endorsement, medical and behavioral health settings struggle to specify and measure person-centered care objectively. This study presents the validity and reliability of the Person-Centered Care Planning Assessment Measure (PCCP-AM), an objective measure of the extent to which service planning is person-centered. Methods: Based upon the recovery-oriented practice of person-centered care planning, the 10-item PCCP-AM tool rates service plans on the inclusion of service user strengths, personal life goals, natural supports, self-directed actions and the promotion of community integration. As part of a large randomized controlled trial of person-centered care planning, service plans completed by community mental health clinic providers were rated using the PCCP-AM. Reliability was tested by calculating inter-rater reliability across 168 plans and internal consistency across 798 plans. To test concurrent validity, PCCP-AM scores for 84 plans were compared to expert rater scores on a separate instrument. Results: Interrater reliability for each of the 10 PCCP-AM items as measured by Kendall's W ranged from W = 0.77 to W = 0.89 and percent of scores within ± 1 point of each other ranged from 85.7 to 100%. Overall internal consistency as measured by Cronbach's alpha across 798 plans was α = 0.72. Concurrent validity as measured by Kendall's W ranged from W = 0.55 to W = 0.74 and percent of item scores within ± 1 point of expert rater scores ranged from 73.8 to 86.8%. Conclusions: Findings demonstrated that the 10-item PCCP-AM was a valid and reliable objective measure of person-centered care. Using the service plan as an indicator of multiple domains of person-centered care, the measure provides a valuable tool to inform clinical supervision and quality improvement across programs. More psychometric testing is needed to strengthen the measure for research purposes.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number681597
JournalFrontiers in Psychiatry
StatePublished - Aug 2 2021


  • community mental health
  • measurement
  • mental health services
  • person-centered care
  • person-centered care planning
  • service planning

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Psychiatry and Mental health


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