Direct mass measurements of neutron-deficient xenon isotopes with the ISOLTRAP mass spectrometer

J. Dilling, G. Audi, D. Beck, G. Bollen, S. Henry, F. Herfurth, A. Kellerbauer, H. J. Kluge, D. Lunney, R. B. Moore, C. Scheidenberger, S. Schwarz, G. Sikler, J. Szerypo

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The masses of Xe isotopes with 124 ≥ A ≥ 114 have been measured using the ISOLTRAP spectrometer at the on-line mass separator ISOLDE/CERN. A mass resolving power of 500 000 was chosen resulting in an accuracy of δm ≈ 12 keV for all isotopes investigated. Conflicts with existing mass data of several standard deviations were found.

    Original languageEnglish (US)
    Pages (from-to)520-523
    Number of pages4
    JournalNuclear Physics A
    Issue number1-4
    StatePublished - Apr 22 2002


    • Atomic masses
    • Mass spectrometry
    • Penning trap
    • Radioactive ions
    • Xenon isotopes

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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