Dynamic single crystals: Kinematic analysis of photoinduced crystal jumping (the photosalient effect)

Panče Naumov, Subash Chandra Sahoo, Boris A. Zakharov, Elena V. Boldyreva

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Crystals on the move: If they are subjected to a strong light stimulus, crystals of the cobalt coordination compound [Co(NH3) 5(NO2)]Cl(NO3) undergo sudden jumps and leap over distances 102-105 times their own size to release the strain that accumulates in their interior. The first quantitative kinematic analysis of this phenomenon is reported. The observed effect could be employed for actuation on the macroscopic scale.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)9990-9995
Number of pages6
JournalAngewandte Chemie - International Edition
Issue number38
StatePublished - Sep 16 2013


  • actuators
  • biomimetic materials
  • isomers
  • jumping crystals
  • mechanical effects

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Catalysis
  • General Chemistry


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