Efficient compression of non-manifold polygonal meshes

Andre Gueziec, Frank Bossen, Gabriel Taubin, Claudio Silva

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


We present a method for compressing non-manifold polygonal meshes, i.e. polygonal meshes with singularities, which occur very frequently in the real-world. Most efficient polygonal compression methods currently available are restricted to a manifold mesh: they require a conversion process, and fail to retrieve the original model connectivity after decompression. The present method works by converting the original model to a manifold model, encoding the manifold model using an existing mesh compression technique, and clustering, or stitching together during the decompression process vertices that were duplicated earlier to faithfully recover the original connectivity. This paper focuses on efficiently encoding and decoding the stitching information. By separating connectivity from geometry and properties, the method avoids encoding vertices (and properties bound to vertices) multiple times; thus a reduction of the size of the bit-stream of about 10% is obtained compared with encoding the model as a manifold.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationProceedings of the IEEE Visualization Conference
Number of pages8
StatePublished - 1999
EventProceedings of the IEEE Visualization '99 - San Francisco, CA, USA
Duration: Oct 24 1999Oct 29 1999


OtherProceedings of the IEEE Visualization '99
CitySan Francisco, CA, USA

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Computer Science
  • General Engineering


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