Electron-impact ionization of silicon tetrachloride (Si Cl 4)

R. Basner, M. Gutkin, J. Mahoney, V. Tarnovsky, H. Deutsch, K. Becker

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We measured absolute partial cross sections for the formation of various singly charged and doubly charged positive ions produced by electron impact on silicon tetrachloride (Si Cl4) using two different experimental techniques, a time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOF-MS) and a fast-neutral-beam apparatus. The energy range covered was from the threshold to 900 eV in the TOF-MS and to 200 eV in the fast-neutral-beam apparatus. The results obtained by the two different experimental techniques were found to agree very well (better than their combined margins of error). The Si Cl3+ fragment ion has the largest partial ionization cross section with a maximum value of slightly above 6× 10-20 m2 at about 100 eV. The cross sections for the formation of Si Cl4+, Si Cl+, and Cl+ have maximum values around 4× 10-20 m2. Some of the cross-section curves exhibit an unusual energy dependence with a pronounced low-energy maximum at an energy around 30 eV followed by a broad second maximum at around 100 eV. This is similar to what has been observed by us earlier for another Cl-containing molecule, Ti Cl4 [R. Basner, M. Schmidt, V. Tamovsky, H. Deutsch, and K. Becker, Thin Solid Films 374 291 (2000)]. The maximum cross-section values for the formation of the doubly charged ions, with the exception of Si Cl3 ++, are 0.05× 10-20 m2 or less. The experimentally determined total single ionization cross section of Si Cl4 is compared with the results of semiempirical calculations.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number054313
JournalJournal of Chemical Physics
Issue number5
StatePublished - 2005

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Physics and Astronomy
  • Physical and Theoretical Chemistry


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