Evidence for TeV gamma-ray emission from a region of the galactic plane

R. Atkins, W. Benbow, D. Berley, E. Blaufuss, D. G. Coyne, T. Deyoung, B. L. Dingus, D. E. Dorfan, R. W. Ellsworth, L. Fleysher, R. Fleysher, G. Gisler, M. M. Gonzalez, J. A. Goodman, T. J. Haines, E. Hays, C. M. Hoffman, L. A. Kelley, C. P. Lansdell, J. T. LinnemannJ. E. McEnery, R. S. Miller, A. I. Mincer, M. F. Morales, P. Nemethy, D. Noyes, J. M. Ryan, F. W. Samuelson, P. M.Saz Parkinson, A. Shoup, G. Sinnis, A. J. Smith, G. W. Sullivan, D. A. Williams, M. E. Wilson, X. W. Xu, G. B. Yodh

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Gamma-ray emission from a narrow band at the galactic equator has previously been detected up to 30 GeV. We report evidence for a TeV gamma-ray signal from a region of the galactic plane by Milagro, a large-field-of-view water Cherenkov detector for extensive air showers. An excess with a significance of 4.5 standard deviations has been observed from the region of galactic longitude l (40°,100°) and latitude |b|<5°. Under the assumption of a simple power law spectrum, with no cutoff in the EGRET-Milagro energy range, the measured integral flux is γ(>3.5TeV)=(6.4±1. 4±2.1)×10-11cm-2s-1sr-1. This flux is consistent with an extrapolation of the EGRET spectrum between 1 and 30 GeV in this galactic region.

    Original languageEnglish (US)
    Article number251103
    JournalPhysical Review Letters
    Issue number25
    StatePublished - Dec 16 2005

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • General Physics and Astronomy


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