Examining the Relationship Between Multiple Tesof Receptive Vocabulary

Daphna Harel, Deanna Goudelias, Hung Shao Cheng, Melissa M. Baese-Berk, Rachel M. Theodore, Susannah V. Levi

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Purpose: Numerous tasks have been developed to measure receptive vocalary, many of which were designed to be administered in person with a trresearcher or clinician. The purpose of the current study is to compare a mon, in-person test of vocabulary with other vocabulary assessments that be self-administered. Method: Fifty-three participants completed the Peabody Picture VocabulaTest (PPVT) via online video call to mimic in-person administration, as wefour additional fully automated, self-administered measures of receptive vocablary. Participants also completed three control tasks that do not measure retive vocabulary. Results: Pearson correlations indicated moderate correlations among most the receptive vocabulary measures (approximately r = .50–.70). As expectthe control tasks revealed only weak correlations to the vocabulary measuHowever, subsets of items of the four self-administered measures of recepvocabulary achieved high correlations with the PPVT (r > .80). These subwere found through a repeated resampling approach. Conclusions: Measures of receptive vocabulary differ in which items included and in the assessment task (e.g., lexical decision, picture matchsynonym matching). The results of the current study suggest that several administered tasks are able to achieve high correlations with the PPVT whsubset of items are scored, rather than the full set of items. These data pevidence that subsets of items on one behavioral assessment can more hcorrelate to another measure. In practical terms, these data demonstrate self-administered, automated measures of receptive vocabulary can be used reasonable substitutes of at least one test (PPVT) that requires human intetion. That several of the fully automated measures resulted in high correlatwith the PPVT suggests that different tasks could be selected depending on needs of the researcher. It is important to note the aim was not to estclinical relevance of these measures, but establish whether researchers couse an experimental task of receptive vocabulary that probes a similar consto what is captured by the PPVT, and use these measures of indivdifferences.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)595-605
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 2024

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Language and Linguistics
  • Linguistics and Language
  • Speech and Hearing


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