Facilitating Interdisciplinary Dialog in Research and Teaching: A roadmap for providing timely, needs-based project support

Joshua Kuntzman, Bruce Kendall, Steve Gaines, Carol Genetti, Mary Hegarty

Research output: Other contribution


Interdisciplinary research and teaching is intellectually rewarding and practically
challenging for the same reason: integrating disciplinary perspectives and methods
requires all involved to study and communicate beyond the bounds of their expertise.
Project facilitators may offer crucial support in such situations, anticipating needs before struggles arise and managing communication logistics while participants attend to the content of those dialogs. UCSB's Crossroads program has tested a series of facilitated dialog activities with several interdisciplinary groups. We have found that such interventions—when tailored and timed responsively to fit each project's unique goals and structure—can help groups to transition more efficiently and cohesively through the stages of interdisciplinary collaboration. Examples and explanations of such types of interventions are provided
Original languageEnglish (US)
Media of outputElectronic
Number of pages61
StatePublished - Jul 1 2021


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