High Strain Rate Effects on a Clayey Sand Mixture

Abdelaziz Ads, Magued Iskander, Stephen Bless, Mehdi Omidvar

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Understanding soil behavior under different strain rates is a key factor in many geotechnical applications, including earthquakes, dynamic compaction, rapid pile testing, roadway subgrade design, and projectile penetration. In this study, the stress-strain response of a clayey sand mixture at strain rates ranging from 0.0001/s to 10/s was studied. Remolded samples were prepared using a mixed soil consisting of 30% clay and 70% sand at a water content of 11%. This material is believed to represent materials commonly encountered in several formerly used defense sites that are in need of environmental remediation. The information is helpful for predicting the likely depth of burial of projectiles within the material to be remediated. Unconfined compression and unconsolidated undrained (UU) triaxial tests were conducted on 38-mm diameter cylindrical test specimens that were formed using previously hydrated mixed soils. The specimens were statically compacted at a constant rate of 1 mm/min. A hydraulic loading system equipped with an ultra-precise load cell and data acquisition system was used to capture load during tests. A strain rate logarithmic correlation was fitted to both unconfined and triaxial test results. Visual inspection of the test specimens suggests that rate dependence is due in part to changes in the failure mode. Test results can be implemented to account for the effect of strain rate in numerical simulation and analytical models.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationGeotechnical Special Publication
EditorsT. Matthew Evans, Nina Stark, Susan Chang
PublisherAmerican Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Number of pages10
EditionGSP 349
ISBN (Electronic)9780784485309, 9780784485316, 9780784485323, 9780784485330, 9780784485347, 9780784485354
StatePublished - 2024
EventGeo-Congress 2024: Geotechnics of Natural Hazards - Vancouver, Canada
Duration: Feb 25 2024Feb 28 2024

Publication series

NameGeotechnical Special Publication
NumberGSP 349
ISSN (Print)0895-0563


ConferenceGeo-Congress 2024: Geotechnics of Natural Hazards

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Civil and Structural Engineering
  • Architecture
  • Building and Construction
  • Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology


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