Hc2 enhancement and giant Nernst effect in (TMTSF)2(PF)6

I. J. Lee, W. Wu, M. J. Naughton, P. M. Chaikin

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


    We discuss two recent discoveries in the title compound: 1) A strong enhancement in the critical field as the critical pressure for the SDW-superconductor phase boundary is approached and 2) the existence of giant resonances in the thermoelectric voltage as an applied magnetic field is rotated through the "Lebed Magic Angles". 1) Hc2 is highly anisotropic in this salt, but the enhancement is present for all field orientations. We suggest a model in which the near degeneracy of the superconducting and SDW states leads to a coexistence. The critical field is enhanced by the formation of thin slabs of superconductor (less than the penetration depth) parallel to the applied field and sandwiched by insulating SDW layers. As the temperature is lowered the slabs become thinner allowing a higher Hc2. 2) The thermoelectric voltage resonance indicates that the currents generated are "locked-in" to the interchain direction ("magic angle") nearest parallel with the applied field. With the field to one side of the magic angle there is a Lorentz force up, on the other side of the magic angle the Lorentz force is down. The size of the thermoelectric voltage is 104 larger than might be expected from conventional transport theory.

    Original languageEnglish (US)
    Pages (from-to)Pr9/189-Pr9/195
    JournalJournal De Physique. IV : JP
    Issue number9
    StatePublished - Nov 2002
    EventInternational Workshop on Electronic Crystals - ECRYS 2002 - Saint Flour, France
    Duration: Sep 2 2002Sep 7 2002

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • General Physics and Astronomy


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