Hybrid scratchpad video memory architecture for energy-efficient parallel hevc

Felipe M. Sampaio, Bruno Zatt, Muhammad Shafique, Jorg Henkel, Sergio Bampi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


A hybrid scratchpad video memory (Hy-SVM) for energy-efficient tiles-parallelized high-efficiency video coding (HEVC) is presented here. The key ideas behind the Hy-SVM include: Application-specific design and management; combined multiple levels of private and shared memories that jointly exploit intra-Tile and inter-Tiles data reuse; scratchpad memories (SPMs) as on-chip data storage; SRAM; and STT-RAM hybrid design. We propose a design methodology for the Hy-SVM that leverages application-specific properties to properly define the SPMs parameters. The inter-Tiles data reuse potential of parallel HEVC is exploited by our run-Time overlap prediction scheme, which identifies the redundant memory access behavior by analyzing monitored past frames encoding. Based on the predicted overlap characteristics, the Hy-SVM integrates memory access management units to control the access dynamics to the private/shared SPM levels. Furthermore, adaptive access management units (APMUs) can strongly reduce on-chip energy consumption due to the predicted overlap formation. The experimental results demonstrate the Hy-SVM overall energy savings of 11%-64% (4-Tile) and 8%-46% (8-Tile) when compared with related works. From the external memory perspective, the Hy-SVM can improve data reuse, resulting in 14%-59% of off-chip energy consumption (compared with no inter-Tiles data reuse scenarios). In addition, our APMU contributes by reducing on-chip energy consumption of the Hy-SVM by 58%, on average. Thus, compared with related works, the Hy-SVM presents the lowest on-chip energy consumption. Moreover, the overhead of implementing our management units insignificantly affects the performance-and energy-efficiency of the Hy-SVM.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number8466911
Pages (from-to)3046-3060
Number of pages15
JournalIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
Issue number10
StatePublished - Oct 2019


  • adaptivity
  • application-specific optimization
  • energy efficiency
  • HEVC
  • scratchpad
  • Video memory

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Media Technology
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering


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