Identification and long term stability of DNA captured on a dental impression wafer

Maile Kim, Kate Siegler, Jeannie Tamariz, Theresa Caragine, Jill Fernandez, Marcia Daronch, Amr Moursi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the quantity and quality of DNA extracted from a dental bite impression wafer immediately after impression and after 12 months of home storage. The authors' hypothesis was that the wafer would retain sufficient DNA with appropriate genetic markers to make an identification match. Methods: Two impression wafers (Toothprints® brand) were administered to 100 3-to 26-year-olds. A cotton swab was used as a control. DNA from wafers stored for 12 months at home were compared to DNA collected at time 0 and compared to swabs at specific sites to determine quality and accuracy. The amount of DNA captured and recovered was analyzed using MagAttract technology and a quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. Capillary gel electrophoresis was performed to determine the quality of the DNA profiles obtained from the wafers vs those generated from the swabs of each subject. Results: Average DNA concentration was: 480 pg/μL (wafer at time 0); 392 pg/μL (wafer after 12 months kept by subjects); and 1,041 pg/μL (buccal swab). Sufficient DNA for human identification was recovered from all sets of wafers, producing clear DNA profiles and accurate matches to buccal swabs. No inhibitors were found that could interfere with DNA profiling. Conclusions: Toothprints® impression wafers can be useful for DNA collection and child identification. After 12 months, the wafer was still usable for DNA capture and identification match.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)373-377
Number of pages5
JournalPediatric dentistry
Issue number5
StatePublished - Sep 2012


  • Bite Registration
  • Forensic Dentistry
  • Human Identification

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Dentistry


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