Immune responses to Plasmodium vivax pre-erythrocytic stage antigens in naturally exposed Duffy-negative humans: A potential model for identification of liver-stage antigens

Ruobing Wang, Myriam Arevalo-Herrera, Malcolm J. Gardner, Anilza Bonelo, Jane M. Carlton, Andres Gomez, Omaira Vera, Liliana Soto, Juana Vergara, Shelby L. Bidwell, Alexander Domingo, Claire M. Fraser, Socrates Herrera

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Duffy antigen is the receptor used by Plasmodium vivax to invade erythrocytes. Consequently, individuals lacking Duffy antigen [Fy(-)] do not develop blood-stage infections. We hypothesized that naturally exposed Fy(-) humans may develop immune responses mainly to pre-erythrocytic stages and could be used to study acquired immunity to P. vivax and to identify liver-stage antigens. We report here that antibody and IFN-γ responses to known sporozoite antigens were significantly induced by natural exposure in Fy(-) humans, whereas responses to blood-stage antigens were significantly induced in Fy(+) humans. IFN-γ responses to sporozoite antigens were lower in Fy(+) than in Fy(-) humans, indicating that in Fy(+) humans blood-stage infections may have suppressed T cell responses to pre-erythrocytic stages. We evaluated the immune responses to 18 novel P. vivax homologs of P. falciparum sporozoite proteins identified from the P. vivax genome sequence. Eight proteins recalled IFN-γ responses in P. vivax-exposed but not in unexposed individuals. Of these, 3 antigens elicited IFN-γ responses in Fy(-) but not in Fy(+) individuals. These results suggest that differential immune responses observed in naturally exposed Fy(-) and Fy(+) individuals can be exploited to identify P. vivax stage-specific antigens.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1859-1868
Number of pages10
JournalEuropean Journal of Immunology
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2005


  • Acquired immunity
  • Duffy antigen
  • IFN-γ
  • Plasmodium vivax
  • Pre-erythrocytic stage

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Immunology and Allergy
  • Immunology


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