Influence of φ mesons on negative kaons in Ni + Ni collisions at 1.91A GeV beam energy INFLUENCE of φ MESONS on NEGATIVE KAONS in ⋯ K. PIASECKI et al.

K. Piasecki, N. Herrmann, R. Averbeck, A. Andronic, V. Barret, Z. Basrak, N. Bastid, M. L. Benabderrahmane, M. Berger, P. Buehler, M. Cargnelli, R. Čaplar, P. Crochet, O. Czerwiakowa, I. Deppner, P. Dupieux, M. DŽelalija, L. Fabbietti, Z. Fodor, P. GasikI. Gašparić, Y. Grishkin, O. N. Hartmann, K. D. Hildenbrand, B. Hong, T. I. Kang, J. Kecskemeti, Y. J. Kim, M. Kirejczyk, M. Kiš, P. Koczon, R. Kotte, A. Lebedev, Y. Leifels, A. Le Fèvre, J. L. Liu, X. Lopez, V. Manko, J. Marton, T. Matulewicz, R. Münzer, M. Petrovici, F. Rami, A. Reischl, W. Reisdorf, M. S. Ryu, P. Schmidt, A. Schüttauf, Z. Seres, B. Sikora, K. S. Sim, V. Simion, K. Siwek-Wilczyńska, V. Smolyankin, K. Suzuki, Z. Tymiński, P. Wagner, I. Weber, E. Widmann, K. Wis̈niewski, Z. G. Xiao, I. Yushmanov, Y. Zhang, A. Zhilin, V. Zinyuk, J. Zmeskal

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φ and K- mesons from Ni+Ni collisions at the beam energy of 1.91A GeV have been measured by the FOPI spectrometer, with a trigger selecting central and semicentral events amounting to 52% of the total cross section. The phase-space distributions, and the total yield of K-, as well as the kinetic energy distribution and the total yield of φ mesons are presented. The φ/ K- ratio is found to be 0.44±0.07(stat)-0.10+0.16(syst), meaning that about 22% of K- mesons originate from the decays of φ mesons, occurring mostly in vacuum. The inverse slopes of direct kaons are up to about 15 MeV larger than the ones extracted within the one-source model, signaling that a considerable share of gap between the slopes of K+ and K- could be explained by the contribution of φ mesons to negative kaons.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number054904
JournalPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 13 2015

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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