Keywords in Subversive Film / Media Aesthetics

Robert Stam, Richard Porton, Leo Goldsmith

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Keywords offers a conversational journey through the overlying terrains of politically engaged art and artistically engaged politics, combining a major statement on subversive aesthetics, a survey of radical film strategies, and a lexicon of over a thousand terms and concepts. No other book combines an ambitious essay on radical politics and aesthetics in film with a lexicon of terms and ideas, many of which are new and innovative. Creates and illustrates over a thousand terms and concept, drawing its examples from a wide range of media. Provides a broad timespan, covering the very ancient (Ramayana, Aristotle) to the most current (digital mashups, memes). Uniquely discusses the areas of film, television and the internet within one book. No other book combines an ambitious essay on radical politics and aesthetics in film with a lexicon of terms and ideas, many of which are new and innovative.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Number of pages312
ISBN (Electronic)9781118340660
ISBN (Print)9781118288924
StatePublished - Jul 24 2015

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Arts and Humanities


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