Landscape complexity beyond invariance and the elastic manifold

Gérard Ben Arous, Paul Bourgade, Benjamin McKenna

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This paper characterizes the annealed, topological complexity (both of total critical points and of local minima) of the elastic manifold. This classical model of a disordered elastic system captures point configurations with self-interactions in a random medium. We establish the simple versus glassy phase diagram in the model parameters, with these phases separated by a physical boundary known as the Larkin mass, confirming formulas of Fyodorov and Le Doussal. One essential, dynamical, step of the proof also applies to a general signal-to-noise model of soft spins in an anisotropic well, for which we prove a negative-second-moment threshold distinguishing positive from zero complexity. A universal near-critical behavior appears within this phase portrait, namely quadratic near-critical vanishing of the complexity of total critical points, and cubic near-critical vanishing of the complexity of local minima. These two models serve as a paradigm of complexity calculations for Gaussian landscapes exhibiting few distributional symmetries, that is, beyond the invariant setting. The two main inputs for the proof are determinant asymptotics for non-invariant random matrices from our companion paper (Ben Arous, Bourgade, McKenna 2022), and the atypical convexity and integrability of the limiting variational problems.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1302-1352
Number of pages51
JournalCommunications on Pure and Applied Mathematics
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 2024

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Mathematics
  • Applied Mathematics


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