Light extraction enhancement of InGaN-based green LEDs with a composite omnidirectional reflector

C. H. Lin, H. C. Kuo, C. F. Lai, H. W. Huang, K. M. Leung, C. C. Yu, J. R. Lo

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    We have designed, fabricated and measured the electroluminescence of InGaN-based green light-emitting diodes (LEDs) having composite omni-directional reflectors (ODRs) deposited on their backside. The composite ODR is composed of a stack of two individual ODRs, each of which is made of alternating layers of TiO2 and SiO2 with a thickness ratio that gives the largest possible 1D photonic bandgap. The lattice constants of these individual ODRs are chosen so that the effective bandgap of the resulting ODR completely covers the emission spectrum of the LEDs. The effective bandgap of our ODR extends from 498 nm to 548 nm. At a driving current of 300 mA, and with the LED emission peak at about 525 nm and a FWHM of about 35 nm, the light output powers of the LED with the composite ODR and the LED with a conventional Ti/Al metal reflector are found to be 52.9 mW and 40.7 mW, respectively. This 30% light extraction enhancement can be attributed to our composite ODR which has a higher reflectance, a lower optical absorption and a wider reflection angle compared with the Ti/Al reflector.

    Original languageEnglish (US)
    Article number001
    Pages (from-to)1513-1517
    Number of pages5
    JournalSemiconductor Science and Technology
    Issue number12
    StatePublished - Dec 1 2006

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
    • Condensed Matter Physics
    • Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    • Materials Chemistry


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