Magnetic moments and hyperfine-structure anomalies of Cs133, Cs134, Cs135, and Cs137

H. H. Stroke, V. Jaccarino, D. S. Edmonds, R. Weiss

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The atomic-beam magnetic-resonance method was used to measure the nuclear gyromagnetic ratios and hyperfine-structure separations of the radioactive isotopes Cs134, Cs135, and Cs137. A surface ionization detector was used. The hyperfine-structure separations were obtained by direct ΔF=±1 transitions near zero field. The values of Δν found for the three isotopes are: Δν(Cs134)=10 473.626±0.015ÂMc/sec, Δν(Cs135)=9 724.023±0.015ÂMc/sec, Δν(Cs137)=10 115.527±0.015ÂMc/sec. Pairs of transition belonging to the two different F-states, but involving the same mF values, constitute frequency doublets separated by 2gIμ0H. From measurements of the difference frequencies of these doublets for pairs of isotopes in fields in the vicinity of 9000 gauss, the following g-value ratios were obtained: gI(Cs135)gI(Cs133)=1.05820±0.00008, gI(Cs137)gI(Cs135)=1.04005±0.00008, gI(Cs134)gI(Cs133)=1.01447±0.00029. The hfs anomalies arising from the variation of the electron wave function over the finite distribution of nuclear magnetization were calculated from these measurements. The values found for these anomalies, defined by ε2-ε1=[g1Δν2(2I1+1)][g2Δν1×(2I2+1)]-1, are: ε(Cs133)-ε(Cs135)=+0.037±0.009%, ε(Cs135)-ε(Cs137)=-0.020±0.009%, ε(Cs133)-ε(Cs134)=+0.169±0.030%. The theory of Bohr and Weisskopf on the hfs anomalies was applied to these nuclei; the calculations are based primarily on a single-particle model with varying distributions of spin and orbital contribution to the nuclear moment. An apparent magic number effect in the anomalies was observed.

    Original languageEnglish (US)
    Pages (from-to)590-603
    Number of pages14
    JournalPhysical Review
    Issue number2
    StatePublished - 1957

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • General Physics and Astronomy


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