Masterpieces from the Department of Islamic Art inThe Metropolita: 25. EarlyTextile Fragment; 73. Reticulated Jar; 77.Natanz Tile; 78. Phoenix Tile;79.Storage Jar (Albarello); 80. Tilefroma Mihrab;89. Ilkhanid TextileFragment;115.Mamluk Textile Fragment; 125a,b. Two foliosfromthe Khavaran-nama;126.15th century Anthology of Persian Poetry(Safineh);144a,b. Double-pagefroma Safavid Shahnama;162.Safavid Tile Panel; 163 & 164 Two Safavid Lampstands;166. SafavidSteelPlaque; 172. SafavidTextile Fragment with PoeticInscriptions; 178. SafavidInscribedBanner; 197. Turkmen Coat; 198 a,b.Turkmen Storage Bag (Chuval); 204. Album ofOttomanCalligraphy;206.OttomanCalligraphic Galleon; 233. OttomanEmbroidered Cover.

Denise-Marie Teece, Maryam Ekhtiar (Editor), Priscilla Soucek (Editor), Sheila Canby (Editor), Navina Najat Haidar (Editor)

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingOther chapter contribution

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationMasterpieces from the Department of Islamic Art inThe Metropolitan
PublisherNew Haven
Number of pages25
StatePublished - 2011

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