Matrix inference and estimation in multi-layer modelsThis article is an updated version of: Pandit P, Sahraee Ardakan M, Rangan S, Schniter P and Fletcher A K 2020 Matrix inference and estimation in multi-layer models Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems vol 33 ed H Larochelle, M Ranzato, R Hadsell, M F Balcan and H Lin (New York: Curran Associates) pp 22456–67. Code available at

Parthe Pandit, Mojtaba Sahraee-Ardakan, Sundeep Rangan, Philip Schniter, Alyson K. Fletcher

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Dive into the research topics of 'Matrix inference and estimation in multi-layer modelsThis article is an updated version of: Pandit P, Sahraee Ardakan M, Rangan S, Schniter P and Fletcher A K 2020 Matrix inference and estimation in multi-layer models Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems vol 33 ed H Larochelle, M Ranzato, R Hadsell, M F Balcan and H Lin (New York: Curran Associates) pp 22456–67. Code available at'. Together they form a unique fingerprint.


Computer Science

