title = "Measurement of the top quark mass using dilepton events",
abstract = "The D0 Collaboration has performed a measurement of the top quark mass mt based on six candidate events for the process tt- → bW+bW-, where the W bosons decay to eν or μν. This sample was collected during an exposure of the D0 detector to an integrated luminosity of 125pb-1 of √ s = 1.8 TeV pp collisions. We obtain mt = 168.4 ± 12.3(stat) ± 3.6(syst) GeV/c2, consistent with the measurement obtained using single-lepton events. Combination of the single-lepton and dilepton results yields mt = 172.0 ± 7.5 GeV/c2.",
author = "{D0 Collaboration} and B. Abbott and M. Abolins and Acharya, {B. S.} and I. Adam and Adams, {D. L.} and M. Adams and S. Ahn and H. Aihara and Alves, {G. A.} and E. Amidi and N. Amos and Anderson, {E. W.} and R. Astur and Baarmand, {M. M.} and A. Baden and V. Balamurali and J. Balderston and B. Baldin and S. Banerjee and J. Bantly and E. Barberis and Bartlett, {J. F.} and K. Bazizi and A. Belyaev and Beri, {S. B.} and I. Bertram and Bezzubov, {V. A.} and Bhat, {P. C.} and V. Bhatnagar and M. Bhattacharjee and N. Biswas and G. Blazey and S. Blessing and P. Bloom and A. Boehnlein and Bojko, {N. I.} and F. Borcherding and J. Borders and C. Boswell and A. Brandt and R. Brock and A. Bross and D. Buchholz and Burtovoi, {V. S.} and Butler, {J. M.} and W. Carvalho and D. Casey and Z. Casilum and H. Castilla-Valdez and A. Mincer",
year = "1998",
doi = "10.1103/PhysRevLett.80.2063",
language = "English (US)",
volume = "80",
pages = "2063--2068",
journal = "Physical Review Letters",
issn = "0031-9007",
publisher = "American Physical Society",
number = "10",