Modified Apexification Procedure for Immature Permanent Teeth with a Necrotic Pulp/Apical Periodontitis: A Case Series

Kamolthip Songtrakul, Talayeh Azarpajouh, Matthew Malek, Asgeir Sigurdsson, Bill Kahler, Louis M. Lin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The current American Association of Endodontists clinical considerations for a regenerative endodontic procedure state that a regenerative procedure is suitable for immature permanent teeth with necrotic pulp when the pulp space is not needed for a post/core in the final restoration. Therefore, many immature permanent teeth with necrotic pulp that have sustained a substantial loss of coronal tooth structure either from caries or trauma are treated by apexification or mineral trioxide aggregate/Biodentine (Septodent, Lancaster, PA) apical barrier techniques in which no further root maturation would occur. This case series presents 10 immature permanent teeth with necrotic pulp in which a post/core was likely required in the future for adequate coronal restoration because of loss of substantial coronal tooth structure and a modified apexification procedure was used. All 10 cases after the modified apexification procedure showed no clinical symptoms/signs and showed radiographic evidence of healed/healing of periapical lesion after a 2-year review. Eight cases showed increased thickness of the apical root canal walls, increased apical root length, and apical closure. The overall percentage change in root length was 7.52%, in root width at the apical one third it was 18.89%, and in radiographic root area it was 15.04% at the 24- to 72-month follow-up period. This modified apexification procedure allows for the tooth to be restored with a post/core if required for the final restoration in the future as well as continued root development.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)116-123
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of endodontics
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2020


  • Apexification
  • apical barrier techniques
  • modified apexification procedure
  • post restoration
  • regenerative endodontic procedure

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Dentistry


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