Morse Index and Stability of the Planar N-vortex Problem

Xijun Hu, Alessandro Portaluri, Qin Xing

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This paper concerns the investigation of the stability properties of relative equilibria which are rigidly rotating vortex configurations sometimes called vortex crystals, in the N-vortex problem. Such a configurations can be characterized as critical point of the Hamiltonian function restricted on the constant angular impulse hyper-surface in the phase space (topologically a pseudo-sphere whose coefficients are the circulation strengths of the vortices). Relative equilibria are generated by the circle action on the so-called shape pseudo-sphere (which generalize the standard shape sphere appearing in the study of the N-body problem). Inspired by the planar N-body problem, and after a geometrical and dynamical discussion of the problem, we investigate the relation intertwining the stability of relative equilibria and the inertia indices of the central configurations generating such equilibria. In the last section we applied our main results to some symmetric three and four vortices relative equilibria.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number76
JournalQualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems
Issue number2
StatePublished - Aug 1 2020


  • Morse index
  • N-vortex problem
  • Relative equilibria
  • Spectral stability

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
  • Applied Mathematics


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