Multi-layer software reliability for unreliable hardware

Muhammad Shafique, Philip Axer, Christoph Borchert, Jian Jia Chen, Rüdiger Kapitza, Kuan Hsun Chen, Björn Döbel, Rolf Ernst, Hermann Härtig, Andreas Heinig, Florian Kriebel, Daniel Lohmann, Peter Marwedel, Semeen Rehman, Florian Schmoll, Olaf Spinczyk

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This paper presents a multi-layer software reliability approach that leverages multiple software layers (e. g., programming language, compiler, and operating system) to improve the overall system reliability considering unreliable or partly-reliable hardware. We present a comprehensive design flow that integrates multiple software layers while accounting for the knowledge from lower hardware layers. We show how multiple software layers synergistically operate to achieve a high degree of reliability.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)170-180
Number of pages11
JournalIT - Information Technology
Issue number3
StatePublished - Jun 28 2015


  • Aging
  • Compilation
  • Dependability
  • Embedded systems
  • Fault-tolerance
  • Multi-cores
  • Operating system
  • Optimization
  • Reliability
  • Soft errors

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Computer Science


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