Multilevel predictors of clinic adoption of state-supported trainings in children's services

Su Chin Serene Olin, Ka Ho Brian Chor, James Weaver, Naihua Duan, Bonnie D. Kerker, Lisa J. Clark, Andrew F. Cleek, Kimberly Eaton Hoagwood, Sarah Mc Cue Horwitz

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Objective: Characteristics associated with participation in training in evidence-informed business and clinical practices by 346 outpatient mental health clinics licensed to treat youths in New York State were examined. Methods: Clinic characteristics extracted from state administrative data were used as proxies for variables that have been linked with adoption of innovation (extraorganizational factors, agency factors, clinic provider-level profiles, and clinic client-level profiles). Multiple logistic regression models were used to assess the independent effects of theoretical variables on the clinics' participation in state-supported business and clinical trainings between September 2011 and August 2013 and on the intensity of participation (low or high). Interaction effects between clinic characteristics and outcomes were explored. Results: Clinic characteristics were predictive of any participation in trainings but were less useful in predicting intensity of participation. Clinics affiliated with larger (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]=.65, p<.01), more efficient agencies (AOR=.62, p<.05) and clinics that outsourced more clinical services (AOR=.60, p<.001) had lower odds of participating in any business-practice trainings. Participation in business trainings was associated with interaction effects between agency affiliation (hospital or community) and clinical staff capacity. Clinics with more full-time-equivalent clinical staff (AOR=1.52, p<.01) and a higher proportion of clients under age 18 (AOR=1.90, p<.001) had higher odds of participating in any clinical trainings. Participating clinics with larger proportions of youth clients had greater odds of being high adopters of clinical trainings (odds ratio=1.54, p<.01). Conclusions: Clinic characteristics associated with uptake of business and clinical training could be used to target state technical assistance efforts.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)484-490
Number of pages7
JournalPsychiatric Services
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 1 2015

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Psychiatry and Mental health


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