Multiwavelength observations of the microquasar GX 339-4 during its recent 2010 outburst

M. Cadolle Bel, J. Rodriguez, S. Corbel, P. D'Avanzo, J. Tomsick, D. M. Russell, F. Lewis, E. Kuulkers

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


In the light of recent observations obtained with the space observatories INTEGRAL, RXTE and Swift, as well as ground-based instruments operating in radio and NIR/Optical, we present our progress made in the understanding of the extreme gravity phenomena in GX 339-4 in distinct spectral states. We show a preliminary analysis of the extensive monitoring obtained as part of the 2010 Galactic Bulge monitoring Program, the Galactic Halo Scan Key Program and two Targets of Opportunity (ToOs) we triggered with INTEGRAL. These latter were simultaneously covered by other observatories operating in X-rays, down to the radio domain. GX 339-4 underwent its bright outburst starting in February 2010 and transited from the Hard to the Soft State in April. We show the evolution of the spectral parameters and changes in the X-ray binary system components (jet, disc, hot medium). This is crucial for our understanding of the physics of the hot plasma (jet base and/or corona). Light curves, spectra and time studies are shown and discussed in the context of high-energy phenomena, and future perspectives of probing accretion/ejection processes around microquasars.

Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalProceedings of Science
StatePublished - 2010
Event8th INTEGRAL Workshop on the Restless Gamma-Ray Universe, INTEGRAL 2010 - Dublin Castle, Dublin, Ireland
Duration: Sep 27 2010Sep 30 2010

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