Nuclear mean-square charge radii of 63,64,66 ,68-82Ga nuclei: No anomalous behavior at N=32

T. J. Procter, J. Billowes, M. L. Bissell, K. Blaum, F. C. Charlwood, B. Cheal, K. T. Flanagan, D. H. Forest, S. Fritzsche, Ch Geppert, H. Heylen, M. Kowalska, K. Kreim, A. Krieger, J. Krämer, K. M. Lynch, E. Mané, I. D. Moore, R. Neugart, G. NeyensW. Nörtershäuser, J. Papuga, M. M. Rajabali, H. H. Stroke, P. Vingerhoets, D. T. Yordanov, M. Ková

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Collinear laser spectroscopy was performed on the 63,64 ,66,68-82Ga isotopes with neutron numbers from N=32 to N=51. These measurements were carried out at the ISOLDE radioactive ion beam facility at CERN. Here we present the nuclear mean-square charge radii extracted from the isotope shifts and, for the lighter isotopes, new spin and moment values. New ground-state nuclear spin and moments were extracted from the hyperfine spectra of 63,70Ga, measured on an atomic transition in the neutral atom. The ground-state spin of 63Ga is determined to be I=3/2. Analysis of the trend in the change in mean-square charge radii of the gallium isotopes demonstrates that there is no evidence of anomalous charge radii behavior in gallium in the region of N=32.

    Original languageEnglish (US)
    Article number034329
    JournalPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics
    Issue number3
    StatePublished - Sep 19 2012

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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