Nuclear moments and isotope and isomer shifts of neutron-deficient mercury isotopes 195, 195m, 194, 193, 193m and 192

W. J. Tomlinson, H. H. Stroke

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Nuclear spins I, magnetic-dipole μ and electro-quadropole Q moments, and optical spectroscopic isotope and isomer shifts (I.S.) have been obtained for the neutron-deficient mercury isotopes and isomers with mass numbers from 192 to 195. The isotopes were produced by p, yn reactions on Au197. Approximately 0.01μg of Hg was transferred into the rf-excited electrodeless light sources. A well-blazed plane diffraction grating, 25 cm wide, was used in the multiple wavelength monochromator of 11 m focal length for these high-resolution optical hfs measurements. These lead to the results I = 1 2 for Hg195, I = 13 2 for Hg195m and Hg193m; μ = -1.05, 0.53, -1.04 nm for Hg193m, Hg195, Hg195m; Q = 1.37, 1.41 b for Hg193m, Hg195m; with respect to Hg198, I.S. = 0.441±0.020, 0.368 ±0.006, 0.284±0.007, 0.214±0.008, 0.220±0.005cm-1 for Hg192, Hg193m, Hg194, Hg195 and Hg195m. For Hg193 the tentative results are I = 1 2, μ = 0.56 nm, and I.S. = 0.350±0.027 cm-1; the last result was obtained by Walter and Stroke in a magnetic-scanning experiment. The isotope- and isomer-shift results, which have led to a hypothesis of the cause of odd-even staggering in isotope shift, are discussed qualitatively in the light of the polarizability of nuclei by nucleons (coupling of core-excited states with odd particle).

    Original languageEnglish (US)
    Pages (from-to)614-633
    Number of pages20
    JournalNuclear Physics
    Issue number4
    StatePublished - Dec 1964


    • NUCLEAR MOMENTS (static) Hg
    • deduced μ, Q, isotope, isomer shifts
    • measured a, b, J


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