Oscillons from string moduli

Stefan Antusch, Francesco Cefalà, Sven Krippendorf, Francesco Muia, Stefano Orani, Fernando Quevedo

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A generic feature of string compactifications is the presence of many scalar fields, called moduli. Moduli are usually displaced from their post-inflationary minimum during inflation. Their relaxation to the minimum could lead to the production of oscillons: localised, long-lived, non-linear excitations of the scalar fields. Here we discuss under which conditions oscillons can be produced in string cosmology and illustrate their production and potential phenomenology with two explicit examples: the case of an initially displaced volume modulus in the KKLT scenario and the case of a displaced blow-up Kähler modulus in the Large Volume Scenario (LVS). One, in principle, observable consequence of oscillon dynamics is the production of gravitational waves which, contrary to those produced from preheating after high scale inflation, could have lower frequencies, closer to the currently observable range. We also show that, for the considered parameter ranges, oscillating fibre and volume moduli do not develop any significant non-perturbative dynamics. Furthermore, we find that the vacua in the LVS and the KKLT scenario are stable against local overshootings of the field into the decompatification region, which provides an additional check on the longevity of these metastable configurations.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number83
JournalJournal of High Energy Physics
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 1 2018


  • Lattice field theory simulation
  • Strings and branes phenomenology

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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