Permissive and instructive anterior patterning rely on mRNA localization in the wasp embryo

Ava E. Brent, Gozde Yucel, Stephen Small, Claude Desplan

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The long-germ mode of embryogenesis, in which segments arise simultaneously along the anterior-posterior axis, has evolved several times in different lineages of the holometabolous, or fully metamorphosing, insects. Drosophila's long-germ fate map is established largely by the activity of the dipteran-specific Bicoid (Bed) morphogen gradient which operates both instructively and permissively to accomplish anterior patterning. By contrast, all nondipteran long-germ insects must achieve anterior patterning independently of bed. We show that bed's permissive function is mimicked in the wasp by a maternal repression system in which anterior localization of the wasp ortholog of giant represses anterior expression of the trunk gap genes so that head and thorax can properly form.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1841-1843
Number of pages3
Issue number5820
StatePublished - Mar 30 2007

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