Quickly placing a point to maximize angles

Boris Aronov, Mark Yagnatinsky

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    Given a set P of n points in the plane in general position, and a set of non-crossing segments with endpoints in P, we seek to place a new point q such that the constrained Delaunay triangulation of P ∪ {q} has the largest possible minimum angle. The expected running time of our (randomized) algorithm is O(n2 log n) on any input, improving the near-cubic time of the best previously known algorithm. Our algorithm is somewhat complex, and along the way we develop a simpler cubic-time algorithm quite different from the ones already known.

    Original languageEnglish (US)
    Number of pages6
    StatePublished - 2014
    Event26th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, CCCG 2014 - Halifax, Canada
    Duration: Aug 11 2014Aug 13 2014


    Other26th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, CCCG 2014

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Geometry and Topology
    • Computational Mathematics


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