Race, Schools, and Hope : African Americans and School Choice after Brown

Research output: Book/ReportBook


"This provocative book helps us to make sense of why and how African Americans participate in and lead school-choice reforms. The author argues that regardless of the success or failure of these reforms, they represent an important political phenomenon in American schooling and in African American history and politics. The first section of the book focuses on African American school choice in the post-Brown period, examining how these reforms became a response to desegregation politics and policies. The second section focuses on a charter school in Oakland, California, that the author helped to found at a time when Oakland's public schools were severely underserving African American students"--Jacket
Original languageEnglish (US)
Place of PublicationNew York
PublisherTeachers College Press
Number of pages213
ISBN (Print)0807748528, 0807748536, 9780807748527, 9780807748534
StatePublished - 2008


  • Schulwahl
  • USA
  • School choice
  • Schwarze
  • African Americans
  • Community school


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