Relay-assisted free-space optical communication

Majid Safari, Murat Uysal

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In this paper, we present relay-assisted transmission as a powerful fading mitigation tool for free-space optical systems operating in atmospheric turbulence channels. We study both serial (i.e., multi-hop transmission) and parallel (i.e., cooperative diversity) relaying encoupled with amplify-and-forward and decode-and-forward modes. We consider an aggregated channel model which takes into account both path-loss and turbulence-induced log-normal fading. Since fading variance is distance-dependent in free-space optical systems, relay-assisted transmission takes advantage of the resulting shorter hops and yields significant performance improvements. We derive outage probability of the relaying schemes under consideration which are further confirmed through Monte-Carlo simulations. Our outage probability analysis demonstrates that an impressive performance improvement of 18.5 dB is possible with the use of a single relay at a target outage probability of 10/sup 6/.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number4723353
Pages (from-to)5441-5449
Number of pages9
JournalIEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
Issue number12
StatePublished - Dec 2008


  • Cooperative diversity
  • Fading channels
  • Free-space optical systems

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Computer Science Applications
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • Applied Mathematics


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