Reliability of reduced-thickness and thinly veneered lithium disilicate crowns

N. R.F.A. Silva, E. A. Bonfante, L. M. Martins, G. B. Valverde, V. P. Thompson, J. L. Ferencz, P. G. Coelho

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The present investigation hypothesized that the reliability of reduced-thickness monolithic lithium disilicate crowns is high relative to that of veneered zirconia (Y-TZP) and comparable with that of metal ceramic (MCR) systems. CAD/CAM first mandibular molar full-crown preparations were produced with uniform thicknesses of either 1.0-mm or 2.0-mm occlusal and axial reduction, then replicated in composite for standard crown dies. Monolithic 1.0-mm (MON) and 2.0-mm CAD/CAM lithium disilicate crowns, the latter with a buccal thin veneer (BTV) of 0.5 mm, were fabricated and then sliding-contact-fatigued (step-stress method) until failure or suspension (n = 18/group). Crack evolution was followed, and fractography of post mortem specimens was performed and compared with that of clinical specimens. Use level probability Weibull calculation (use load = 1,200 N) showed interval overlaps between MON and BTV. There was no significant difference between the Weibull characteristic failure loads of MON and BTV (1,535 N [90% CI 1,354-1,740] and 1,609 N [90% CI 1,512-1,712], respectively), which were significantly higher than that of Y-TZP (370 N [90% CI 322-427]) and comparable with that of MCR (1,304 N [90% CI 1,203-1,414]), validating the study hypothesis.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)305-310
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of dental research
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 2012


  • biomaterial(s)
  • ceramics
  • glassceramic
  • prosthetic dentistry
  • prosthodontics
  • restorative materials

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Dentistry


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