Scientific exploration in the era of ocean observatories

Ant́nio Baptista, Bill Howe, Juliana Freire, David Maier, Cláudio T. Silva

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Columbian River Estuary (CORIE) is aimed for the development of an next-generation coastal-margin observatory- the Science and technology University Research Network (SATURN), to offer a vision of observatory-enables scientific exploration and offer requirements and approaches for generating provenance-aware products in ocean environments. CORIE uses two unstructured-grid numerical models- Eulerian-Lagrangian Circulation (ELCIRC) and the Semi-implicit Eulerian-Lagrangian Finite Element (SELFE) as computational engines. The provenance requirements of CORIE's RoboCMOP-like environment include reusable and active provenance, pay-as-you-go provenance, and intentional provenance for multigranular data. The key to effective scientific exploration is the strategy that ensures that observatory products have known provenance that can be shared, interpreted, and adapted to new purposes.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number4488065
Pages (from-to)53-58
Number of pages6
JournalComputing in Science and Engineering
Issue number3
StatePublished - May 2008


  • Observatory-enabled scientific exploration
  • Ocean observatory
  • Provenance-aware computing

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Computer Science
  • General Engineering


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