Secondary Analysis of Agreement Between Negative Timeline Follow Back Report and Negative Urine Toxicology in a Large Trial of Individuals with Opioid Use Disorder

Matisyahu Shulman, Tse Hwei Choo, Jennifer Scodes, Martina Pavlicova, Patricia Novo, Aimee N.C. Campbell, Miranda Greiner, Joshua D. Lee, John Rotrosen, Edward V. Nunes

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Objectives Timeline follow-back (TLFB) is a self-report measure commonly used as a method of assessing historical drug use in both clinical and research settings. Our study considered rates of agreement between TLFB and an objective biological assay of opioid use. Methods We calculated the rates of agreement between negative report of opioid use for the most recent 8 days on TLFB and urine toxicology (UTOX) results in a large multisite opioid use disorder treatment trial. Results In total, 3986 assessments were provided by trial participants with both UTOX and TLFB during weeks 1 to 12, 2716 during weeks 13 to 24, and 325 at week 28. Rates of disagreement between negative TLFB and positive opioid UTOX were 2.33% of all assessments (21.68% of those with positive UTOX) over weeks 1 to 12, 2.06% of all assessment (25.00% of those with positive UTOX) over weeks 13 to 24, and 9.85% of all assessments (26.02% of those with positive UTOX) at week 28. Conclusions Negative TLFB seems to be generally associated with negative results on urine toxicology.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)618-620
Number of pages3
JournalJournal of Addiction Medicine
Issue number5
StatePublished - Sep 1 2023


  • drug testing
  • opioids
  • timeline follow-back
  • treatment trials

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Psychiatry and Mental health
  • Pharmacology (medical)


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