Shaping the Development of Prejudice: Latent Growth Modeling of the Influence of Social Dominance Orientation on Outgroup Affect in Youth

Christopher Bratt, Jim Sidanius, Jennifer Sheehy-Skeffington

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Social dominance orientation (SDO) has been theorized as a stable, early-emerging trait influencing outgroup evaluations, a view supported by evidence from cross-sectional and two-wave longitudinal research. Yet, the limitations of identifying causal paths with cross-sectional and two-wave designs are increasingly being acknowledged. This article presents the first use of multi-wave data to test the over-time relationship between SDO and outgroup affect among young people. We use cross-lagged and latent growth modeling (LGM) of a three-wave data set employing Norwegian adolescents (over 2 years, N = 453) and a five-wave data set with American university students (over 4 years, N = 748). Overall, SDO exhibits high temporal rank-order stability and predicts changes in outgroup affect. This research represents the strongest test to date of SDO’s role as a stable trait that influences the development of prejudice, while highlighting LGM as a valuable tool for social and political psychology.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1617-1634
Number of pages18
JournalPersonality and Social Psychology Bulletin
Issue number12
StatePublished - Dec 1 2016


  • latent growth modeling
  • longitudinal studies
  • outgroup affect
  • prejudice
  • social dominance orientation

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Social Psychology


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