Sharp Poincaré and log-Sobolev inequalities for the switch chain on regular bipartite graphs

Konstantin Tikhomirov, Pierre Youssef

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Consider the switch chain on the set of d-regular bipartite graphs on n vertices with 3 ≤ d≤ nc, for a small universal constant c> 0. We prove that the chain satisfies a Poincaré inequality with a constant of order O(nd); moreover, when d is fixed, we establish a log-Sobolev inequality for the chain with a constant of order Od(nlog n). We show that both results are optimal. The Poincaré inequality implies that in the regime 3 ≤ d≤ nc the mixing time of the switch chain is at most O((nd) 2log (nd)) , improving on the previously known bound O((nd) 13log (nd)) due to Kannan et al. (Rand Struct Algorithm 14(4):293–308, 1999) and O(n7d18log (nd)) obtained by Dyer et al. (Sampling hypergraphs with given degrees (preprint). arXiv:2006.12021). The log-Sobolev inequality that we establish for constant d implies a bound O(nlog 2n) on the mixing time of the chain which, up to the log n factor, captures a conjectured optimal bound. Our proof strategy relies on building, for any fixed function on the set of d-regular bipartite simple graphs, an appropriate extension to a function on the set of multigraphs given by the configuration model. We then establish a comparison procedure with the well studied random transposition model in order to obtain the corresponding functional inequalities. While our method falls into a rich class of comparison techniques for Markov chains on different state spaces, the crucial feature of the method—dealing with chains with a large distortion between their stationary measures—is a novel addition to the theory.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)89-184
Number of pages96
JournalProbability Theory and Related Fields
Issue number1-2
StatePublished - Feb 2023


  • Mixing/relaxation time
  • Poincaré and log-Sobolev inequalities
  • Random regular graph
  • Switch chain

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Analysis
  • Statistics and Probability
  • Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty


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